Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law

Comparative Counter-Terrorism Law

by Kent Roach (ed.) et al.


Terrorism law is as international as it is regionally distinct and as difficult to define as it is essential to address. Given recent pressures to harmonize terrorism laws from international organizations like the United Nations Security Council, the Financial Action Task Force, and the Council of Europe, this book presents readers with an up-to-date assessment of terrorism law across the globe. Covering twenty-two jurisdictions across six continents, the common framework used for each chapter facilitates national comparisons of a range of laws including relevant criminal, administrative, financial, secrecy, and military laws. ReComparative Counter-Terrorism Lawcognizing that similar laws may yield different outcomes when transplanted into new contexts, priority of place is given to examples of real world application. Including a thematic introduction and conclusion, this book will help establish comparative counter-terrorism law as an emerging discipline crossing the boundaries of domestic and international law.
  • Includes chapters on twenty-two different legal jurisdictions representing North and South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia

  • Common framework for chapters allows for country-to-country comparison on specific legal issues

  • Includes an introduction to the emerging field of comparative counter-terrorism law and its methodology
(Subjects: comparative financial law, commercial law, comparative criminal law, administrative law, immigration law, constitutional law, military law; private international law)


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