Mediterranean Contaminations

Author: Giuliano Mion (ed.)

The Medi­ter­ra­nean is a sea that has expe­ri­enced extra­or­di­nary contacts, conf­licts, enco­un­ters and exchanges through the centu­ries. This comple­xity is analysed in the present volume through the eyes of twelve scho­lars specia­lised in Middle Eastern and North African studies.
Arabic and Semitic lingu­istics and dialec­to­logy, Arab lite­ra­ture and popular music and culture are some of the broad range of subjects included in this volume which engages diffe­rent geogra­phical areas of the so-called Mare Nostrum and various histo­rical periods, from the medieval to the contem­porary era.
(Subjects: Arabic and Semitic lingu­istics and dialec­to­logy, Arab lite­ra­ture, popular music and culture) 


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