
Showing posts from March, 2018

Race, Criminal Justice, and Migration Control

Race, Criminal Justice, and Migration Control .  Enforcing the Boundaries of Belonging Edited by Mary Bosworth , Alpa Parmar , and Yolanda Vazquez A collection of essays that considers how societal practices, laws, and criminal justice institutions delineate who belongs and who does not, and how these factors affect racial minorities across the world, in strikingly uneven ways Brings race to the centre of its analysis in order to reveal how migration and its control is inherently racialized Demonstrates how the architecture of legislation, the process of criminal justice, and the institutions of criminal justice and border control conspire and coalesce to grant some people citizenship, while denying it to others Essential reading for lawyers, criminologists, criminal justice practitioners, migration scholars, and sociologists, as well as general readers approaching the topic for the first time (Subjects: criminal law; minorities; borders; criminology; sociology;...

Comparative International Law

Comparative International Law Edited by Anthea Roberts, Paul B. Stephan, Pierre-Hugues Verdier, and Mila Versteeg Explains that international law is not a monolith but can encompass on-going contestation, in which states set forth competing interpretations Maps and explains the cross-country differences in international legal norms in various fields of international law and their application and interpretation in different geographic regions Organized into three broad thematic sections of conceptual matters, domestic institutions and comparative international law, and comparing approaches across issue-areas Chapters authored by contributors who include top international law and comparative law scholars all from diverse backgrounds, experience, and perspectives (Subjects: international law; comparative law)

Formation and Third Party Beneficiaries

Formation and Third Party Beneficiaries Edited by Mindy Chen-Wishart , Alexander Loke , and Stefan Vogenauer Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia provides an authoritative account of the contract law regimes of selected Asian jurisdictions, including the major centres of commerce where limited critical commentaries have been published in the English language. Volume II of this series deals with contract formation and contracts for the benefit of third parties in the laws of China, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Myanmar. Typically, each jurisdiction is covered in two chapters; the first deals with contract formation, while the second deals with contracts for the benefit of third parties. (Subjects: Comparative Law; contract law)

Legalism: Property and Ownership

Legalism: Property and Ownership Edited by Georgy Kantor , Tom Lambert , and Hannah Skoda Legalism Brings together anthropologists and historians to examine how property and ownership operate and are understood across broad historical and geographical contexts Offers a truly cross-cultural perspective, and makes specialist case studies visible and accessible to non-specialists Partakes in a larger intellectual debate developed across disciplines - from anthropology to history to legal theory (Subjects: comparative law; anthropology; history; property; ownership)

A Theory of Legitimate Expectations for Public Administration

A Theory of Legitimate Expectations for Public Administration Author:  Alexander Brown Presents a new theory of legitimate expectation for public administration, arguing that agencies should be held liable for losses they directly cause by creating and then frustrating legitimate expectations. Draws on normative legal and political theory to evaluate the ethics of legal doctrine and whether this is primarily an issue of fairness, security, trust in government, or something else. Compares and contrasts examples drawn from the UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. (Subject: Public Administration)

Competition Policy for the New Era Insights from the BRICS Countries

Competition Policy for the New Era. Insights from the BRICS Countries Edited by Tembinkosi Bonakele, Eleanor Fox, and Liberty Mncube Written by well-known academic and practising economists and lawyers from both developed and developing countries. Focuses on a broader view of competition policy in BRICS and developing countries, including concepts such as efficiency and consumer welfare, issues of distribution, equity, and fairness. E ach chapter is organized around a central argument made by its author(s) in relation to issue or case study, making every contribution a valuable freestanding contribution to the literature. Provides a number of viewpoints of what competition law and policy mean both in theory and practice in a development context through the use of insightful case studies. (Subjects: Competition Law; Comparative Competition Law)

Mediterranean Contaminations

Mediterranean Contaminations Author: Giuliano Mion (ed.) The Medi­ter­ra­nean is a sea that has expe­ri­enced extra­or­di­nary contacts, conf­licts, enco­un­ters and exchanges through the centu­ries. This comple­xity is analysed in the present volume through the eyes of twelve scho­lars specia­lised in Middle Eastern and North African studies. Arabic and Semitic lingu­istics and dialec­to­logy, Arab lite­ra­ture and popular music and culture are some of the broad range of subjects included in this volume which engages diffe­rent geogra­phical areas of the so-called Mare Nostrum and various histo­rical periods, from the medieval to the contem­porary era. ( Subjects: Arabic and Semitic lingu­istics and dialec­to­logy, Arab lite­ra­ture, popular music and culture) 

Principles of International Environmental Law (4th ed.)

Principles of International Environmental Law 4th edition This new and fully updated edition of Principles of International Environmental Law offers a comprehensive and critical account of one of the fastest growing areas of international law: the principles and rules relating to environmental protection. Introducing the reader to the key foundational principles, governance structures and regulatory techniques, Principles of International Environmental Law explores each of the major areas of international environmental regulation through substantive chapters, including climate change, atmospheric protection, oceans and freshwater, biodiversity, chemicals and waste regulation. The ever-increasing overlap with other areas of international law is also explored through examination of the inter-linkages between international environmental law and other areas of international regulation, such as trade, human rights, humanitarian law and investment law. Incorporating the latest developments i...


CALL FOR PAPERS 21st International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law & 15th Conference on Legal Translation and Interpreting and Comparative Legilinguistics (Legal Linguistics) GENOCIDE AND LAW – COMMUNICATING THROUGH VISUAL ARTS AND LANGUAGE Conference venue:  26th to 28th June (Friday-Sunday) 2020 Poznan, Poland Conference website: Languages: Polish, English, French, Spanish, Russian and German Click here to download call for paper