6th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2017)

We invite you/your research students to submit a paper to the 6th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2017) which will be held on 5th - 6th June 2017 in Singapore.

The co-Program Chairs areDr. Suresh V Nadagoudar, Bangalore University, India and Prof. K.C. Sunny,  University of Kerala, India and the Editor-In-Chief is Prof. Tony Carty, The University of Hong Kong.

The extended full paper submission deadline is on 10th February 2017. Hope that provides adequate time for you to complete the paper submission. If you need more time, please let us know and we will consider on a case by case basis for an extended deadline.

LRPP 2017 Highlights:
!P         Workshop on !§The Climate Future of Law. How will Climate Change Affect the Future Development of the Cognate Areas of Law, Specifically the Law of Property, Contract and Tort!  by Prof. Paul Babie, The University of Adelaide, Australia.

!P         Keynote Addresses
!P         Prof. Paul Babie, Personal Chair of Law in the Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide, Australia- The Climate Future of Property Law
!P         Prof. Gabriel Moens, Professor of Law, Curtin Law School, Australia - Improving Public Health through Behavioural Rules: A Legitimate Legislative Project of a Nany State or a Nudge State?
!P         Asst. Prof. Kevin Kwok-yin Cheng, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Why Do Criminal Trials Crack? An Empirical Investigation of Late Guilty Pleas in Hong Kong
!P         Assoc. Prof. Charles Qu, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

!P         LRPP 2017 Conference Proceedings: Print ISSN: 2251-3809, E-Periodical ISSN: 2251-3817 will be published and submitted to several indexing partners.
!P         Journal of Law and Social Sciences: All authors who present their papers at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their research paper for the GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS) - Print ISSN: 2251-2853, E-periodical: 2251-2861. All submitted papers will go through blind review process for acceptance. All accepted papers (after the review process) will be included in the JLSS.
!P         Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference (in order to qualify for the award, the paper must be presented at the conference).
!P         LRPP 2017 will also constitute a Special Panel Session.
!P         Panel Proposals are invited for submission. A minimum of three papers centering on a specific topic will be accepted for submission under Panel Category.

For more information, please visit the LRPP 2017 website: http://law-conference.org/. Would appreciate if you could disseminate this information to your colleagues/students who might be interested to participate in this year's LRPP conference.

Should you require any assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at   secretariat@law-conference.org.

Ana Martina Tubilleja
Program Manager
Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF)
10 Anson Road, International Plaza,
#13-12, Singapore- 079903

Phone: +65 6236 1544| Fax: +65 6327 0162


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