Music, Cultural Heritage and Law



Editor-in-chief: Anne WAGNER
Université Lille – Nord de France
Centre de Recherche Droits et Perspectives du Droit, équipe René Demogue

Special issue: Music, Cultural Heritage and Law

Working languages: English and French

Music is a space of possibilities, a realm of cross-cultural events where interpretation is deeply rooted in history and societal evolution. The main complexity is to analyze the coded meaning and view how the same signs, notions and concepts are appropriated, translated, rehistorized and read anew in songs, be they pop songs or national anthems.

This special issue will explore the richly complex manifestations of ‘Music, Cultural Heritage and Law’ in the following ways:
- How do we stimulate our senses with music?
- How do we combine music with national identity and law?
- Is music combined with other sign systems?
- How de we ‘hear’ music, national identity and law?
- What is the creatively approach perception of Music, National Identity and Law?

The International Journal for the Semiotics of Law/Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique invites further discussion into these related questions and welcomes a plurality of approaches, including those of legal studies, philosophy, music, social sciences, linguistics, history, cultural studies and the humanities.

All paper abstracts of 300 words (max) can be submitted by December 2016 to Anne Wagner (Guest Editor) with decisions made by February 2017. Full papers could be written in English or French (abstract and keywords must be in English) and should not exceed 15,000 words.

The Special Issue is expected to be published in 2017-2018.


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