Juris Diversitas 4th Annual Conference: Updated Program

Monday, May 30

8:45—9:15          Registration & Coffee 

·         William R. Corbett, Interim Dean, Frank L. Maraist Professor of Law 
and Wex S. Malone Professor of Law, LSU Law Center
·         Olivier Moréteau, Russell B. Long Chair, LSU Law Center, 
President of Juris Diversitas
9:30—10:30        PLENARY—KEYNOTE  
·         The Problematic of Invisibility for Law in a Transnationalized World, 
Vivian Grosswald Curran, University of Pittsburgh (United States)

10:30—11:00     Break

11:00—12:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS I
I.A          Remixing Legal Traditions

·         Canada’s Legal Traditions: Sources of Unification, Diversification or Inspiration?
Rosalie Jukier, McGill University (Canada)
·         Unity and Diversity in Legal History of the Commonwealth Caribbean
Asya Ostroukh, Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies (Barbados)
·         Rebuilding the Somali Legal System: Towards a New Mixed Jurisdictions?
Salvatore Mancuso, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

I.B           Issues in Professional Liability: A Transnational Conversation

·         Unity and Diversity in European Product Liability Law
Ádám Fuglinszky, Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
·         Professional Liability in Civil Law and in Common Law
Domitilla Vanni Di San Vincenzo, University of Palermo (Italy)
·         Liability of Internet Service Providers for the Invasion of (Data) Privacy
Unity in Terminology, Diversity in Content
Lukas Heckendorn, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Switzerland)

12:30—14:00     Lunch

14:00—15:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS II

II.A         The Struggle for Legal Identity

·         An Essay on Ideology and Legal Education in Tiny Jurisdictions: The Example of Jersey
David Marrani, Institute of Law (Jersey)
·         Albanian Civil Code — An Example of Unity and Diversity in the Civil Law Family
Juliana Latifi, University of Tirana (Albania)
·         Commerce, Commonality, and Contract Law: Legal Reform in a Mixed Jurisdiction
Christopher K. Odinet, Southern University (United States)

II.B         L’absence de modèle unique : l’uniformisation en question

·         Entre unité et diversité : la construction d’un droit des biens transsystémique
Yaëll Emerich, Université McGill (Canada)
·         Harmoniser la diversité en droit des successions : oui mais avec précaution
Francesco Paolo Traisci, Università degli studi del Molise (Italy)

15:30—16:00      Break 

16:00—17:30      PARALLEL SESSIONS III

III.A        United in Diversity

·         Enantiosis and Comparative Law: The Case of Essentially Oxymoronic Concepts
Rostam J. Neuwirth, University of Macau (Macau)
·         Toxic Legal Thought Patterns: Cognitive Rhetoric Explains the Need for 
a Comparative Approach to Rhetoric in Law
Lucy Jewel, University of Tennessee (United States)
·         Dworkin on Legal Unity and Diversity
Christopher D. Boom, Tulane University (United States)

III.B        Societal and Legal Tensions in Africa

·         Mapping Traditional Authority Structures in a Post-Apartheid South Africa: 
Exploring the Status and Role of Traditional Authorities in 
a Decentralised Governance Structure
Christa Rautenbach, North-West University (South Africa)
·         Developments in Child Custody under Customary Law in Nigeria and South Africa
Kagiso A. Maphalle, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
·         Judicial Protection of Women’s Matrimonial Property Rights in Nigeria
Anthony C. Diala, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

19:30                     Conference Dinner

Tuesday, May 31

9:15—10:30        PARALLEL SESSIONS IV

IV.A        Competition Worldwide: Legal Strategies and Challenges

·         International Fragmentation of Competition Law: 
The Actual and Expected Contribution of BRICS Countries
Alexandr Svetlicinii, University of Macau (Macau)
·         Legal Diversity or Unity as a Product of Economic Strategies of Lawmakers 
under Regulatory Competition
Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas & Frédéric Marty, ESSEC Business School (Paris-Singapore) 
& GREDEG – CNRS / University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)

IV.B        Singular Voices in a Pluralistic Universe

·         Legal Transfers and National Traditions: 
Patterns of Modernization of the Public Administration 
in Polish Lands at the Turn of 18th and 19th Century
Michał Gałędek, University of Gdańsk (Poland)
·         Remedies for Trial Delay in Malta and Italy: a Laboratory for European Integration?
David Edward Zammit & Caroline Savvidis, University of Malta (Malta)
·         “United in One Body:” Can ‘Black Lives Matter’ be Rousseau’s ‘Best Friends,’ 
Fernin F. Eaton, Baton Rouge (United States)

10:30—11:00      Break 

11:00—12:30     PARALLEL SESSIONS V

V.A         La mondialisation et ses tensions

·         La fiducie québécoise : tensions et (r)évolution
Caroline Le Breton-Prévost, Université McGill (Canada)
·         Mondialisation et droit de la concurrence : 
vers une bipolarisation autant qu’une harmonisation des règles de droit ?
Anne M. Tercinet, EM Lyon Business School (France)
·         Comment le juriste français projette sa vision du droit dans 
le contexte de la mondialisation : une affaire d’influence ?
Olivier Moréteau, Louisiana State University (United States)

V.B         Diverse in Unity?

·         Anglophone and Civilian Convergence: 
The Question of Public Cultivation and Learning
Joseph P. Garske, (United States)
·         Global Legal Scholarship at Local LevelBianca Gardella Tedeschi
University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro (Italy)
·         Good Faith, United in Diversity?
Olivier Beddeleem, EDHEC Business School (France)

12:30—14:30     Lunch

14:30—16:00      PARALLEL SESSION VI

VI.A       Fashion Law: Comparing Top Models

·         On Fashion: Introductory Remarks
Susy Inés Bello Knoll, Austral University (Argentina)
·         Intellectual Property in Argentina, Latin America and USA
Pamela Echeverria, Fashion Law Institute (Argentina)
·         Intellectual Property in France and the European Union
Alice Pezard, Conseiller honoraire à la Cour de cassation (France)

16:00—16:30     Break


17:30—18:00      Break

18:00—19:30      TUCKER LECTURE

·         The Proposed Organization of American States Model Law 
on Simplified Corporations: Perspectives and Challenges, 
Francisco Reyes, Chairman of UNCITRAL, 
Superintendent of Companies (Colombia)

19:30                     Reception

Wednesday, June 1

9:30—11:00        PARALLEL SESSIONS VII

VII.A      Beyond Universalism: Giving a Voice to the Unheard

·         The Emergence of Alternative Antidiscrimination Frameworks 
between Universality and Diversity
Raphaële Xenidis, European University Institute of Florence (Italy)
·         Beyond the Boundaries of Consensus: Comparative Law, Social Theory, and Dissent
Denis de Castro Halis, University of Macau (Macau)
·         Periodic Review of Human Rights: Does One Size Fit All in the Pacific?
Sue Farran, Northumbria University (United Kingdom)

VII.B      Revisiting Human Rights: What Room for Consensus and Dissent

·         Participation of Lay Citizens in the Criminal Trial in a Comparative Perspective
The Criminal Jury in France and Belgium
Claire M. Germain, University of Florida (United States)
·         Human Rights in National versus International Criminal Justice: 
The Gravity of Crimes as a Legitimate Source of Legal Pluralism?
Christophe Deprez, University of Liège (Belgium)

11:00—11:30      Break


·         Empires as Engines of Mixed Legal Systems
Vernon V. Palmer, Tulane University (United States)
·         DiscussionRobert Sloan, Louisiana State University (United States)
·         ConclusionOlivier Moréteau, President of Juris Diversitas


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