NEW in Juris Diversitas Series: The Diffusion of Law

The Diffusion of Law

The Movement of Laws and Norms Around the World

  • Edited by Sue Farran, Northumbria Law School, UK, James Gallen, Dublin City University, Ireland, Jennifer Hendry, University of Leeds, UK and Christa Rautenbach, North-West University, South Africa
  • In considering diffusion from a global perspective, this book provides timely new insights into its application in a variety of fields and at many levels of both legal and non-legal orderings. This collection contributes to the wider theoretical debate concerning the movement of law and legal norms by engaging with concrete examples of legal diffusion, in jurisdictions as diverse as Albania, the Czech Republic, Poland and Kuwait. These examples, taken together, provide a comprehensive illustration of the theoretical debates concerning the diffusion of laws and norms in terms of both process and form.

    This international, multi-disciplinary and multi-methodological volume brings together scholars from law and social science with experience in mixed and hybrid jurisdictions, and advances the conversation about legal and normative diffusion across the academy. It represents a robust challenge to many preconceived ideas about legal movement and, as such, will be of interest to academics and students working in the fields of Law, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Legal Education and comparative method.
  • More information on the book


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