Combating terrorism in Africa seems to be a mission impossible despite numerous anti-terrorism laws in existence. Africa has a union, known as African Union (AU), comprised of independent States in Africa, except Morocco. It has a notable anti-terrorism law, known as the OAU Convention on Prevention and Combating of Terrorism and other national anti-terrorism laws in existence in its Member States nations.
Despite all these anti-terrorism laws, including the Plan of Action for the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism and the Protocol to the OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism in existence, terrorist acts are on the increase daily on the continent.
This book reviews the afore-mentioned OAU (AU) Conventions on Prevention and Combating Terrorism and also identifies its deficiencies and analyzes its inefficacies in preventing and combating terrorism in Africa. It also reviews Member States’ compliance with International Law and UN requirements for combating terrorism and their response to the Convention. It, therefore, argues that terrorism will be better combated on a regional level rather than leaving it to the individual Member States; thus recommending, for effective means of combating terrorism, AU should establish a regional court vest with the jurisdiction of terrorism on the Continent of Africa.
Dr. (Mrs) Chinyere Christiana Okpala Chukwuka was born in Nigeria. She obtained an LL.B. (Hons) from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State of Nigeria and B.L from Nigeria Law School, Abuja, Nigeria. She was admitted to the Nigerian Bar in 2003. She practiced law in Nigeria for a few years before proceeding to Whittier Law School, where she obtained an LL.M in American Legal Jurisprudence with Certification in International Law. Afterwards, she obtained an SJD in International Legal Studies from Golden Gate University School of Law.
Ebook available (ISBN: 9781600422737 | $ 29.95)  Purchase ebook


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