
Showing posts from December, 2017

Juris Diversitas 6th Annual Conference, Call for Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS Prolonged till January 15, 2018 JURIS DIVERSITAS 6 th  ANNUAL CONFERENCE June 25-27, 2018 Potchefstroom, South Africa In partnership with Faculty of Law, North-West University, Potchefstroom & the Centre for Comparative Law in Africa Law, Roots & Space The Theme: A couple of lawyers’ old friends: ‘Sources’ and ‘Jurisdictions’. In their parlance, these notions are often associated to modern, ‘positive’ law. The idea of ‘Legal formants’ has been introduced to complete the picture, flexibilising it, making it more accurate, nuanced, realistic; an idea associated to comparative, socio-legal, anthropologic studies. With ‘Roots’ and ‘space’ geographers, historians, political scientists get involved. These are certainly less frequent notions in legal circles: we may still wish to make friends with them, to enrich our perception of legal phenomena. ‘ Roots ’ is often associated to history of law and related discourses – if legal formants may complete a picture, lega...