
Showing posts from October, 2016

New Comparative Law Titles from Hart Publishing

Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era The Regulatory Challenges Edited by Joanna Howe and Rosemary Owens In the global era, controversies abound over temporary labour migration; however, it has not previously been subjected to a sustained socio-legal analysis on a comparative basis, critiquing the underpinning concepts conventionally accepted as fundamental in this area. This collection of essays aims to fill that void. Complex regulatory challenges arise from temporary labour migration. This collection examines these challenges and the extent to which temporary labour migration programmes can be ethical, equitable and efficacious and so deliver decent work for workers. Whilst the tendency for migration law to divide labour law’s worker-protective mission has been observed before,  the authors of the chapters comprising this collection seek not only to interrogate why and how this is so, but to go further in examining the implications and effects of a wide range of regulator...

Christian Legal Society National Conference

The scholar’s symposium of this year's national CLS conference (Washington, DC, October 21-22) is built around the book   Law and the Bible: Justice, Mercy, and Legal Institutions  (InterVarsity Press), which I edited with David Van Drunen.   I and several other authors (Randy Beck, Tremper Longman, Bill Brewbaker, and David Smolin) will speak on three separate panels about our chapters (Genesis, OT Law, OT history, Jesus, and NT letters).  The details are below this message.  Here is the link to the scholars' portion of the conference:

La dénationalisation de l'enseignement juridique

Dans un contexte mondialisé, l'enseignement du droit change aussi. Sous quelles formes change-t-il ? Doit-on parler d'internationalisation ou de dénationalisation, voire de transnationalisation de l'enseignement du droit ? Ces différents termes laissent percevoir plusieurs options possibles. Les expériences pédagogiques sont variables selon les contextes universitaires nationaux. Par exemple, l'enseignement du droit reste fortement national en France ou en Allemagne, même si l'européanisation a permis de décloisonner les systèmes juridiques et donc, aussi, les systèmes universitaires. La discipline juridique reste liée à des caractéristiques nationales :  le droit concerne l'État dans sa structure et ses fonctions.  Dans d'autres pays, les expériences de décloisonnement sont plus anciennes, comme au Canada, et, parfois, cherchent de nouveaux chemins, tels qu'au Japon.  Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de prendre comme objet d'étude l'enseignement juri...

Call for Papers, Journal of Law and Criminal Justice

Call for Papers Journal of Law and Criminal Justice ISSN: 2374-2674 (Print) 2374-2682 (Online) Journal of Law and Criminal Justice is a refereed international journal that seeks to publish high quality research papers in the areas of socio-legal studies and the psychology of law, criminology and social justice studies. The Journal invites papers based on empirical research, theoretical analysis and debate, and policy analysis and critique. The journal is dedicated to presenting system-wide trends and problems on law, crime and justice throughout the world. It provides a forum for social scientists to report research findings for policy making with respect to crime and justice through innovative and advanced methodologies. The journal is published by the American Research Institute for Policy Development that serves as a focal point for academicians, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, fellows, and associates pursuing research throughout the world. The interested cont...


Call for Applications Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy FELLOWSHIP ON LEGAL PRAGMATISM AND REALISM The Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy of the Université Libre de Bruxelles is calling for applications for an 8 months full time Fellowship on Legal Pragmatism & Realism in the framework of the Twining Llewellyn Fund. 1. FELLOWSHIP OF THE NATIONAL FUND FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH The fellowship will unfold as part of a research program sponsored by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research. It has two key objectives. First, it aims at starting a PhD research on legal pragmatism and realism focusing on the material of the Twining Llewellyn Fund. Second, it seeks to facilitate the reception of the Twining-Llewellyn collection at the Perelman Centre and to make it fit for public consultation. This involves working hand in hand with different services at the ULB (library, archives, etc.) for cataloguing, referencing and setting up online and onsite consultation services. The fel...