Annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop, UCLA April 2017
Annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop April 28-29, 2017 UCLA School of Law Announcement and Call for Papers Organized by Máximo Langer (University of California at Los Angeles), Jacqueline Ross (University of Illinois College of Law), and Kim Lane Scheppele (Princeton University) Co-sponsored by the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Illinois College of Law, Princeton University, and the American Society of Comparative Law We invite all interested comparative law scholars to consider submitting a paper to the next annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop, which will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 28 and 29, 2017, at UCLA School of Law. We will accept up to seven papers for workshop discussion, and we plan to select a mix of both junior and senior scholars. Interested authors should submit papers to Máximo Langer at UCLA School of Law by February 1, 2017. We will inform authors of our decision by ...