Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law
Volume 19 (2016) Preview Editorial Tim Stephens and Ed Couzens Articles Enhancing Chinese law and practice to combat illegal unreported and unregulated fishing and trade Juan He The role of public and private insurance in reducing losses from extreme weather events and disasters Howard Kunreuther and Rosemary Lyster Exploring new research directions for achieving a sustainable future: what can be learned from the biofuel weed risk case study? Elodie Le Gal The relevance of the no-harm principle to climate change law and politics BenoĆ®t Mayer Biological diversity conservation laws in South East Asia and Singapore: a regional approach in pursuit of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals? Burton Ong, Lye Lin-Heng and Joseph Chun Country Report ‘Walking a tightrope’: India’s challenges in meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda with specific reference to climate change Bill Pritchard Book Reviews S Jayakumar, Tommy Koh, Robert Beckman and Hao Duy Phan (e...