
Showing posts from November, 2015

ARTICLES WANTED: Comparative Legal History, the official journal of the European Society for Comparative Legal History

Articles are being sought for publication in  Comparative Legal History .   The journal is published by  Taylor  & Francis  (UK), both online and in print, twice a year:   Articles … explore both  internal  legal history (doctrinal and disciplinary developments in the law) and  external  legal history (legal ideas and institutions in wider contexts). Rooted in the complexity of the various Western legal traditions worldwide, the journal will also investigate other laws and customs from around the globe. Comparisons may be either temporal or geographical and both legal and other law-like normative traditions will be considered. Scholarship on comparative and trans-national historiography, including trans-disciplinary approaches, is particularly welcome. Comparative Legal History   is the official journal of the  European Society for Comparative Legal History  (ESCLH). The Society’s membership fees include a subscri...

The Continuity of Legal Systems in Theory and Practice’ by Benjamin Spagnolo

Hart Publishing is delighted to announce the publication of ‘The Continuity of Legal Systems in Theory and Practice’ by Benjamin Spagnolo We are pleased to offer you 20% discount on the book To order online with your 20% discount please click on the link below the title and then click on the ‘pay now’ button on the right hand side of the screen. Once through to the ordering screen type ref: CV7 in the voucher code field and click ‘apply’ Alternatively, please contact Hart Publishing’s distributor, Macmillan Distribution Limited, by telephone or email (details below) quoting ref: CV7 The Continuity of Legal Systems in Theory and Practice by Benjamin Spagnolo The Continuity of Legal Systems in Theory and Practice examines a persistent and fascinating question about the continuity of legal systems: when is a legal system existing at one time the same legal system that exists at another time? The book's distinctive approach to this question is to combine abstract critical analysis o...

Judicial Decision-Making in a Globalised World

NEW AS PAPERBACK Judicial Decision-Making in a Globalised World A Comparative Analysis of the Changing Practices of Western Highest Courts Elaine Mak Reviews ‘...the reviewers strongly suggest the reading of this brilliant book which has all the qualities for becoming a "must-read" for...scholars and practitioners,It is a very meticulous and welcome, but specialized, addition to the globalization of law literature...’ Suzanne Comtois and Mauro Zamboni, Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice ‘…the virtues of this book are many…[it] contributes importantly to what I hope will be a growing field of “trans-Atlantic” studies.,Mak’s comparative study offers a significant contribution to the scholarship on the use of foreign legal materials in legal developments. The close scrutiny of the inner workings of the highest courts also make it a welcome addition to the field of comparative judicial studies. The book certainly merits attention from both lawyers and political s...

NEW BOOK; Droit talmudique, Talmudic Law in French

François-Xavier Licari  Le droit talmudique Pour la plupart des juristes, le droit talmudique est une terra incognita. Pourtant, le patrimoine juridique juif est d’une richesse et d’une pérennité sans équivalent dans l’Histoire. Constitué sur un fonds plurimillénaire, il n’a jamais cessé de se développer dans les circonstances et les pays les plus différents, montrant une immense capacité à s’adapter aux circonstances économiques et sociales les plus diverses. L'ouvrage se concentre sur les questions cardinales : qu’entend-on par droit talmudique ? Quelles sont les sources et les autorités du système ? Quelles sont les règles d’interprétation du texte biblique mises en place par les Sages du Talmud et  leurs successeurs ? Quelle est la physionomie d’une Justice dénuée de pouvoir judiciaire et d’agents d’exécution ? Pour répondre à ces questions, l’auteur a puisé dans la littérature rabbinique traditionnelle comme dans la recherche universitaire la plus récente. L’ouvrage, sans...

Comparative Law and Legal Linguistics – An Example of True Interdisciplinarity?

Comparative Law and Legal Linguistics – An Example of True Interdisciplinarity? On first glance, one of the areas that comes to mind when looking at  interdisciplinarity in comparative law  is the intersection of comparative law and legal linguistics. Evidently, any comparative lawyer who is looking at legal texts from different countries has to deal with legal translation. And legal linguistics plays an eminent role within the multi-lingual environment of the European Union. On second glance, however, modern comparative law and linguistics may not be as compatible as one might think due to the differences in focus. Thus, ordinarily, legal linguistics is a very technical discipline that is primarily focused on semantics. Such a pragmatic view of legal translation might satisfy a strict functionalist. Modern comparative law, however, looks beyond legal texts and considers the cultural background of laws as well. So a technically correct translation of a legal term might not pro...

Colloque pluridisciplinaire international ARBITRAGE ET RELIGION Université de Strasbourg, le 7 juillet 2016

Colloque pluridisciplinaire international ARBITRAGE ET RELIGION Université de Strasbourg, le 7 juillet 2016 L'association des étudiants et anciens de la Faculté de Droit Comparé est porteuse du projet de colloque « Arbitrage et religion » qui se tiendra à l'Université de Strasbourg le 7 juillet 2016. Le phénomène religieux connaît dans les sociétés occidentales, comme au niveau global, un regain d'importance considérable. Ainsi, certains droits se fondent sur la religion ou font une place importante aux règles d'origines religieuses, à l'instar de le la charia dans le droit saoudien. En outre, l'arbitrage, justice privée et mode privilégié de résolution des différends de la vie économique, peut s'avérer propice aux manifestations du phénomène religieux dans le droit. En effet, les matières laissées libres par le législateur à l'activité de tribunaux privés constituent le terrain de prédilection idéal de l'exercice de leurs missions par les tribunaux ...